Dec 17, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023

Very probable. But there is an odd thing. Star Wars.

1) I forget the exact film, though I think it is Rogue One - (love that film) - They had a synthetic Peter Cushing playing Grand Moff Tarkin. It was horrible, creepy and it just did not feel right. I actually found it repulsive. Me only I think. Normally I am "digital everything please", but this just felt WRONG.

2) George Lucas's proper vision of Star Wars - re releases - no sythetic actors but this feeling of having "revised important artifacts of my childhood'. Yes, All me. I know the films were closer to George Lucas's vision but they were just enough removed from my experiences that I went and hunted down VHS and DVD copies of the originals. I swear if you made them for sale now, there would be many who would buy. I know that for me, it was like being told I remembered wrong.

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