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Neat concept - the Experience Stack thing. We discuss this a lot without referring to it by name when my buds and I have background discussions about episodes of our podcast. I had never seen West Wing until I had to review it for an episode of the Show. (Loved it, by the way.)

I had watched most of Friends during its original run. I kinda wish I had seen West Wing when it originally ran, too, because I would have liked to have my experience colored by the political context at the time, instead of by the current one.

You really can't go back when it comes to music, movies, TV or any other sort of popular culture media product, largely because part of the sum total of the experience requires the context. I'll love West Wing, but I won't love it in the same way as people who experienced it when it was on television.

As for Perry, I did enjoy him on West Wing. And because I saw things in the particular order I did, my Experience Stack is a bit different. I did appreciate the notion that Perry, who I knew from a character who was an arrogant quipping wiseass, had such chemistry with a character who was also an arrogant quipping wiseass.


Team Donna, not Team Amy

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